We have come up with a handful of topics we would like to discuss over the next few months. But, we want your input. Tell us which you'd like to see, or make a recommendation on something completely different! Our goal is to provide relevant, informative and entertaining content that reflects the changing Web 2.0 landscape each month. So please review the below options and add your comments.
1. Hospitality & Tourism Panel
New Orleans is the ultimate tourism destination, and we are finally getting the Post-K message out that we are OPEN for business! We will invite several representative from the hospitality and tourism fields to discuss how they are interacting with and attracting tourists using social media. We will ask how hotels, restaurants and travel entities are leveraging Web 2.0 tools during the recession to boost sales and visits.
2. Shifting Media and PR Landscape
As traditional news outlets continue to suffer, blogs and micro-blogs are gaining more credibility as reliable news sources. We will assemble local media that have moved online and discuss how this effects their industry and how it changes the PR pitch. We will discuss the resources and tools available to better assess and focus PR efforts.
3. Crisis Management
Hurricane season is around the corner. All New Orleans marketers understand the need for a strong message during evacuation or impending storms. We will discuss how social media can help facilitate crisis management and what protocols and strategies local business entities currently have in place.
Please offer your thoughts and first choice for June's topic. Thanks!